“The annual EWEA conference is the largest European wind energy conference that takes place in our industry and is well attended by all the key players. For Vestas it is an important opportunity to meet with our international partners, and this year was especially significant as we proudly reached our 50 GW of installed capacity milestone. We decided to celebrate this achievement with our partners’ by hosting a special event at the Tivoli Aquarium. With the help of kiwibirds, we had a very successful evening. kiwibirds took away all the usual stress associated with organizing an event of this scale, and their project management and execution skills were second to none. The evening was flawless, which was largely in part due to kiwibirds excellent planning and coordination of the event, both in the lead up to and on the evening of the reception. We look forward to continuing working with kiwibirds on future events.”
Sally Owens, Marketing Coordinator, GMCCI NEU Marketing Execution, Global MarCom & Customer Insight, Northern, Central & Eastern Europe, Vestas
I forbindelse med EWEA konferencen i Danmark inviterede Vestas over 200 internationale relationer til et ”After Hours”-arrangement i Tivoli. Eventen skulle i alle detaljer afspejle Vestas’ brand – og med udgangspunkt i deres kampagne sikrede vi en gennemført brandoplevelse, som matchede Vestas samlede program omkring konferencen. Eventen ramte den perfekte balance mellem uformel stemning og et stærkt corporate concept, og gav plads til både networking og gode oplevelser med kunder og partnere.